3d очки для телевизора Samsung (3d glasses for the Samsung TV)

July 11, 2019

3d очки для телевизора Samsung (3d glasses for the Samsung TV). Unboxing Samsung 3D Active Glasses and pairing them with a Sony 4K Ultra 3D TV

3d очки для телевизора Samsung (3d glasses for the Samsung TV) video duration 4 Minute(s) , published by Sergey Chirkov on 14 06 2013 - 18:59:40.

3d очки для телевизора Samsung (модель SSG-4100GB) 3d glasses for the Samsung TV (SSG-4100GB model)

Looking for the best Samsung® 3D Glasses? Check out the 3D Glasses for Samsung® Bluetooth 2011-2014 3D TVs by 3ACTIVE®
These 3D glasses sync with Aliexpress:http://bit.ly/29LQ74h Amazon:http://amzn.to/29LPY0B Similar products:http://amzn.to/29LQjke Ebay: http://ebay.to/29LPGqP Thanks to the universal 3D signal now found in newer televisions, you can now cross pair glasses with televisions of different brands
This isn't being advertised .

3d очки для телевизора Samsung (модель SSG-4100GB)
3d glasses for the Samsung TV (SSG-4100GB model)


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glasses, 3d glasses, Samsung TV, SSG-4100GB, 3d очки для телевизора Samsung, 3d glasses for the Samsung TV, 3d очки,Samsung TV, 3d, TV, телевизор

Other Video about 3d очки для телевизора Samsung (3d glasses for the Samsung TV):

My Samsung SSG 3500CR 3D Active Glasses unboxing

My Samsung SSG 3500CR 3D Active Glasses unboxing

Aliexpress:http://bit.ly/29LQ74h Amazon:http://amzn.to/29LPY0B Similar products:http://amzn.to/29LQjke Ebay: http://ebay.to/29LPGqP.

Unboxing Samsung 3D Active Glasses and pairing them with a Sony 4K Ultra 3D TV

Unboxing Samsung 3D Active Glasses and pairing them with a Sony 4K Ultra 3D TV

Thanks to the universal 3D signal now found in newer televisions, you can now cross pair glasses with televisions of different brands
This isn't being advertised .

Samsung SSG-5100GB Active 3D Glasses Unboxing

Samsung SSG-5100GB Active 3D Glasses Unboxing

Samsung® 3D Glasses for Bluetooth 3D TVs by 3ACTIVE®

Samsung® 3D Glasses for Bluetooth 3D TVs by 3ACTIVE®

Looking for the best Samsung® 3D Glasses? Check out the 3D Glasses for Samsung® Bluetooth 2011-2014 3D TVs by 3ACTIVE®
These 3D glasses sync with .

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