iPhone X Unboxing and Wireless Charger. Apple's 18W Charger (for iPhone / iPad Pro) Unboxing - Is It Worth It?
iPhone X Unboxing and Wireless Charger video duration 3 Minute(s) 50 Second(s), published by Oh My It's May on 04 11 2017 - 05:25:33.
Watch me in HD ✨ HI loves!!!! I wanted to share my unboxing of the new iPhone X
iphone X So a while back I did a video on some of the best Qi chargers and while they were awesome chargers they weren't terribly inexpensive
So afterward it got me .
. Best Cheap Iphone Chargers: Phone Cables that really work Bad Iphone cable - no worries these $5 cables I found at 5 Below Store actually work
Subscribe In this video, I unbox Apple's new USB-C 18W Power Adapter, and I also unbox the USB-C to Lightning Cable (1 m)
I make a comparison between the size of .
Watch me in HD ✨
HI loves!!!! I wanted to share my unboxing of the new iPhone X.
iphone X → https://www.apple.com/shop/buy-iphone/iphone-x/5.8-inch-display-64gb-silver-tmobile#00,12,30,40,62
Wireless charger →https://www.amazon.com/Samsung-EP-PG920IBUGUS-Wireless-Charging-Charger/dp/B00UCZGS36/ref=sr_1_5?s=wireless&ie=UTF8&qid=1509772583&sr=1-5&keywords=samsung%2Bwireless%2Bcharger&dpID=31mKAuDAywL&preST=_SX300_QL70_&dpSrc=srch&th=1
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Instagram: @ohmyitsmay
Snapchat: ohmyitsmay
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Best Cheap Iphone Chargers: Cheeks
Best Cheap Iphone Chargers: Phone Cables that really work Bad Iphone cable - no worries these $5 cables I found at 5 Below Store actually workSubscribe .
Apple's 18W Charger (for iPhone / iPad Pro) Unboxing - Is It Worth It?
In this video, I unbox Apple's new USB-C 18W Power Adapter, and I also unbox the USB-C to Lightning Cable (1 m)I make a comparison between the size of .
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So a while back I did a video on some of the best Qi chargers and while they were awesome chargers they weren't terribly inexpensiveSo afterward it got me .
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